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PHOENIX KAM daycare center

In the Phoenix Kam daycare center, the teachers take on the role of a companion, but the children would not be left to their own devices. Since they choose their own employment, they can develop freely. They would learn to be aware of their own free will and to express it lovingly. But also to recognize where the limits of free will are and where community would be in the foreground.


The focus is also on strengthening children's self-confidence and independence right from the start.


Intellectual development and spiritual abilities are also the focus of our daycare and would be encouraged.


The children would decide for themselves which activities they would like to choose and at what time they would like to play based on their interests and needs.


In our daycare, the connection to nature plays a big role and the children would only deal with natural toys. Creativity would be encouraged using natural toys.

The children grow up multilingual from the outset and learn to speak the common language of the soul. Because in our souls we all come from the same origins. At this age, children are particularly receptive to learning several languages.

Through the multicultural community of children in Phoenix Kam, the children learn the acceptance of all cultures. The languages would be learned in a playful way so that the children would enjoy it.




An alternative kindergarten should be part of PHOENIX KAM


Here the children would not be judged based on performance, origin, religion or worldview.  Children do not need to be corrected. God made no mistake. Instead, we will help you create opportunities within yourself so that you can develop your full potential. They should learn to recognize themselves as human beings in their essence and thus expand all the talents and abilities that lie within them.

Likewise, they would learn that we are a mind-soul-body unity and that we are not just the body, but have a body in which their soul lives, which is perfect. Spiritual pedagogy would be our focus and applied to care.

For us, the focus is on the individuality of the children. Here they are prepared for practical life. A free, responsible, discrimination-free life is what we want to help children develop. You learn to value everything in the same way and to look at the world without judgment in order to see the spiritual meaning in it.

The children would be supported according to their level of development and their needs. In addition to intellectual skills, technical, social and artistic skills, among other things, are taught.

At kindergarten age, children learn, for example, jumping, climbing, balancing, etc. in order to develop further gross motor skills. The development of fine motor skills is supported through crafts, kneading, painting and other fine motor activities. Free play is also an important point at this age. Guided games and eurythmy as perceptual experiences would also be part of our offering.

The children should spend a lot of time outside in nature. Staying outdoors, regardless of the weather, strengthens children's physical and psychological resilience. Exercising in nature promotes children's physical and mental development. Social interaction contributes to emotional development.

They could play with everything nature offers them, feel it, pursue their natural urge to move and learn how to deal with plants, animals, earth, stones, etc.

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The school of the future is being built in our children's village

PHOENIX KAM from 6 - 12 years

The children would go to our school of the future and be taught.

Learning should be fun here, so that the children feel comfortable and enjoy going to school. Grading would not take place in this school. That's why we would need teaching companion or teaching assistants who would pass on their knowledge and creativity to the children.

The teaching accompanist would accompany the children from the first school year to the last school year and teach them in a child-friendly manner. From the first school year onwards, children should learn a musical instrument and learn two foreign languages.

The child wouldbe viewed holistically, respectively supported all of his own gifts, abilities and talents. It should grow to its full potential, both physically and mentally, without any intention of pushing the child in a direction so that it can develop freely and show its calling and destiny.


We would pay attention to its intelligence and suggest how it could deal with it.However, here at school it should be about the children not only learning with their heads, but also sticking with their whole heart. The student should learn to give equal attention to everything and everyone.out of. The children would also be taught not only material values, but also spiritual values.

The seven universal laws are important pillars that will be part of our concept, which the children would then learn here in the school of the future.

When we recognize the connections between these laws, we get more ease in our lives. This means we are able to lead a conscious and responsible life. I create my reality and what I want to manifest through my thoughts in conjunction with my feelings that agree, for example, this is the first law, everything is spirit. Everything that exists was first subtle energy or a thought, until at some point it became gross energy, i.e. matter.

In our school of the futureA conscious, kind, nonjudgmental and compassionate attitude of mindfulness would be taught in daily life. The children experience stress reduction through mindfulness training and other important elements.

out of. Eurythmy is a subject that would be part of our daily lessons. Attention should be an important pillar.

Here the children learn to learn independently again, to act flexibly and to think for themselves.

One subject would be school gardening. Horticulture, craft and artistic subjects, crafts, music, singing and acting are of great importance in our school of the future Phoenix Kam. This would develop practical, creative, artistic and social intelligence in addition to cognitive learning.

In Phoenix Kam the children would learn to speak a beautiful language and to express themselves positively and freely in their communication. Choice words have a major, mostly unconscious, effect on our bodies and on other levels.

The teaching companion at school could live their calling here. They would teach the children daily about alternative methods. The teaching staff or therapists would also be here seminars, courses, lectures hold on certain topics.


For all children in our school of the future, lessons would begin with a morning saying or mantra, making the day all the more positive

to start.


First Aid Courses in Phoenix Kam

The children in Phoenix would learn first aid courses from the age of 6, or in lessons at the school of the future, and the content would be tailored to the respective age. They should be familiarized with first aid measures as early as possible and would thus learn that they can get first aid in an emergencycan provide the necessary help.

The children/young people would be introduced to the topic in role plays. The children also learn who they can talk to, where to get help, how to make themselves noticed and what information is important are.

Children like to help and then feel like little heroes.

Nobody is too small to help.Sticking plasters and applying bandages is really exciting for children.

The children/young people would learn to pay attention to their surroundings, to perceive impending dangers in order to be able to react to them and/or to get help or support someone.


The earlier children are taught a first aid course, the easier it is for them to provide help in the event of danger and to ensure their own safety, which in turn promotes the children/young people's self-confidence.


High school of the future for 12 - 18 years

Together we would once again set the course for our visionary high school of the future. We would start from the elementary insight that people always learn no matter what they do. In this way, we would hand over responsibility for learning to the students at this high school of the future.

You would not be forced to keep commitments.

Certain rituals would also be established here that create a rhythm and structure. 

The school should be set up so that various learning activities can be carried out easily, with individual and group work spaces. 

Here in high school, the young people would be viewed as a whole again, just like in elementary school. The physical like the soul and mental development of the adolescent, would also be here in the high schoolbe the focus. Your thinking, feeling and wanting should start here come first. These levels would be taken into account in all lessons.


Our wish would be for the children to become independent personalities in order to be able to withstand the challenges of modern performance society. The personal strengths and weaknesses of each young person would be promoted individually and their self-confidence would be strengthened. This would include, among other things, dwhich were already established in primary school, the attention, the willingness to take responsibility and the ability to deal with conflict.

In the high school of the future, creative thinking and individual support would be the focus. The application of music and artartistic creation would beof great importance to us and would be one of the subjects. The young people here would learn at least one musical instrument in the school of the future.


Stures would memorize with us not availableomen. Likewise, we would not have a grading system or Beapply teaching lessons. Instead, the teaching assistants would create individual learning progress. As a learning experience, the young people could also choose to work or help in one of their chosen areas in Phoenix Kam if they found this important to them.

Each individual student would have their own portfolio that they  together with other studentshas set, with all the learning experiences he has had over the year.

In addition, the young people would be involved in the maintenance of the school, such as organizing breaks, looking after the plants in the school, checking the books in the school library, or helping in the garden and with the animals, through internal decisions and meaningful development opportunities for them School of the Future, as well as take part in school assemblies. This would in turn promote the young people's sense of self-confidence and responsibility

and strengthen.

The youngsters should have the opportunityn, different trainings about oldCompleting alternative methods at our school would mean that students would be specialized in certain areas and could therefore help other people later.


During the learning period, the teachers wouldcompanion only intervene in a supportive manner and show the young people how they could help themselves.


Academy PHOENIX CAME from 18 years For young people from the children's village and adults from outside who are interested in spiritual further education.

This will be about researching, for example, how the human body and the human mind work, so that the students can develop their own nature to the full potential they were born with, i.e. unfold what is already within them. This is not the upbringing, nor that, what society is currently showing us. They would exchange, deepen and illustrate the experiences they have learned and experienced up to this point in groups and with their classmates.

Everything in the universe emanates from the Creator. Our existence is not a coincidence. I am existence and part of unity.

The Students who have opened up are made aware of what is genetically embedded within them and discover that they have abilities and are more than they ever believed. Through their findings they become aware of their psychological potential, feel so comfortable and don't need any external replacement to make them happy and fulfilled.

The universal laws are important pillars that will be part of our concept. For example, the principle of cause and effect, everything you put out comes out

back to you.

Here are the 7 spiritual laws of the universe:

Law of Spirituality, Law of Correspondence, Law of Vibration, Law of Polarity, Law of Rhythm, Law of Cause & Effect, law of sex.

Everything that exists was first of all subtle energy, spiritual - a thought This energy manifested itself in some form, or became gross material energy, which then at some point became matter. Our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts in connection with our feelings, positive and negative, our choice of words all have a large, mostly unconscious effect on our body and on other levels.

Nothing in the external world is responsible for our situations in life, but every thought and feeling creates our own reality. To change something in our life, we have to change it in our inner world.AllThe students should become aware of this knowledge in order to lead a happy and fulfilled lifeto can.

Questions about the meaning of life, whereI come from, why was I born in this family in this place, what is my task, purpose in this life and where does the way home lead? What is important in life? What is important? What task was I born with that everyone was born with? You learn to become aware of your own strength and power and to use it for your own benefit and that of others. The students also learn to take responsibility for their lives. Whatever the young people do, they learn to carry it out with concentration and dedication and not just get it done. Values and appreciation are very important to usIssue. impartiality and respect for everything and everyone should be anchored in their being and determine their lives.

All illusions, constraints and dependencies that lie dormant in the subconscious would be consciously looked at, processed, freed and let go. This makes the student aware of his innate, inherent freedom and paves the way for self-development. He learns to be able to act and to fulfill his task. In addition, they would learn to work consciously with energies, frequencies and vibrations, for example to detect tensions or blockages, to recognize their meaning and to take appropriate measures in order to feel good again on all levels of being.

About the depth of perception To achieve this, students are introduced to arts such as music, dance, meditation, yoga or other art forms.

The students' own imagination will be encouraged and strengthened so that they can manifest and realize their vision.


karma You get what you give, which is also one of the seven universal laws. We bring our deeds and actions from the past into our lives when we are born. By doing what is our purpose and task in everyday life, staying on the right path, not letting ourselves be influenced by negative things, resisting the temptations and temptations in everyday life etc. and learning what I don't want in my life, in well-being to transform.

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Search for origins (ancestors)Our ancestors had difficult lives and these have shaped their lives. Patterns and behaviors were developed and lived. Since they had no opportunity to process their traumas, their behaviors and patterns became entrenched. They were then passed on to their descendants. This has created an ancestral burden that has a great influence on their successors. The search for origins helps to uncover, change and heal these patterns.

Souln Plan Before a person's soul incarnates, it decides to follow an earthly path, the path of the heart that it wants to complete in its life. The students learn to understand and feel the messages and signals from their soul. Those who are not connected to their soul need a replacement on the outside, which never fulfills them or makes them happy. The more a person is removed from his soul and love, the more he can be manipulated.

Artificial intelligence, it has no soul. On the one hand it has advantages in that it makes life easier. On the other hand it has disadvantages because many of today's jobs will soon become meaningless and as a result many people will lose their jobs.

We should be careful to use technology responsibly and maintain a respectful relationship. It is a tool for great change to build or to destroy in the wrong hands.


It will be time to consciously decide to do something that goes beyond the mind, beyond the intellect and what a machine or robot cannot do.

The next step is consciousness technology, that is,

We should learn to use our thoughts to apply the creative power within us and create our own universe. We have this power within us, such as controlling our thoughts, which are insignificant and essential, which correspond to lies or the truth, not absorbing negative influences, being in touch with our soul, listening to our intuition and our inner voice.


We should also learn to communicate consciously, because silence is also communication. Speech is silver, silence is gold.

Kabbalah means secret knowledge, from traditional teachings and writings that are ancient. These were only transmitted to those who were spiritually mature for it. They are also a helpful companion for the spiritual path and for those who are searching for the Creator. Here, students learn how to transform their egoism into altruism. They learn to put faith above reason.

What is true love? True love meanswithout evaluating and to judge and look at others with an open heart.

What is reality? It is different for everyone. Depending on where you stand, you see the world and people differently.

What is meant by free will and freedom? This means that everyone is responsible for what they do. They have the opportunity toto decide and follow the path of light, of heart power and of peaceful coexistence. 

What does the term spirituality mean, how can I integrate them into my life, what forms of spirituality

there is?


What types of frequencies are there? How can you use special frequencies to change your consciousness, increase your brain potential and find your physical balance? What are frequencies such as natural, bio, Schumann and Solfeggio frequencies used for? Why practice frequency hygiene?

This and other topics should be taught, examined and made aware of at the academy.


At the Phoenix Kam Academy, students are expected to prepare for the future with all their possibilities, skills and talents.

These young adults have gained discipline and strength during their years in Phoenix Kam. They can now make changes wherever they go and create our new era.

In addition, there should be a library with a teatime corner here in the academy, as well as in the school of the future and in the main building.

Volunteers, teachers and therapists are always welcome

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